Norfolk Pine Tree - "The Mother Tree" |
Last evening a group of local friends gathered for a BBQ; and with most of us ranging in age from 40-70, our aging kupuna (elders) was one of the topics of conversation. Many people present had parents who are 80-90 years old, including us. Some are in assisted living situations, others are facing serious health issues like brain tumors and cancer. Of course, there are many unknowns, but one thing we could all agree on is how much love and respect we have for them.
Another observation we made is the number of changes they have witnessed in their lives. We began to mention a few US Presidents, automobiles, inventions, etc. so we decided to look up a few things that were invented since the turn of the
last century, when our parents were born. What an interesting look a the changes they witnessed. (List is below from a cool website called: www.historylearningsite.co.uk)
Anyway, we came home thinking of our own kupuna, Phil's mother, Margaret who is facing her own set of challenges in her mid-90's. Here is a new photo the tree that we planted in her honor when we first moved to the Big Island; at the time it was about 30" tall -- and now just look at it.
There's Phil with the tribe of corgis -- Dexter, Reba leaning against Phil's leg, and little Poko is now just about four months old.
1901 :
vacuum cleaner
1902 : air
conditioning; automated tea maker
1904 : radar; tea bags;
1905 : plastic;
windscreen wipers; silencer for guns
1906 : radio
1907 :
electric washing machine
1908 :
coffee filter; paper cups; assembly line production
1910 : neon
1911 :
stenotype machines
1913 ;
Brillo pads; crossword puzzles; bras; zips
1916 : sonar
1920 : hair
dryers; kiss-proof lipstick; submachine guns
1921 :
robots; insulin
1922 : Aga
1923 :
hearing aids
1924 :
frozen food
1927 :
‘Talkies’ at the movies
1929 :
artificial life
1930 : jet
engine; mechanical toothbrushes; Scotch tape
1931 :
electric razor
1932 : radio
telescope; parking meter; folding wheelchair
1933 :
electron microscope; angle-poise lamp
1934 : cats
1935 :
electric guitar
1936 : sun
tan lotion; electric blanket
1938 :
ballpoint pen; photocopying
1943 :
1944 :
kidney dialysis machine
1946 :
microwave ovens; automation; Bikini; Tupperware; Tupperware Parties
1947 :
transistors; holograms; artificial intelligence; disposable nappy; mobile
1950 :
credit cards; self-cleaning house; junction transistor
1951 :
contraceptive pill; cartons of milk
1952 :
wide-screen cinema
1953 :
transistor radio
1954 : solar
cell; synthesizer
1955 :
hovercraft; atomic clock; polio vaccine; structurally modified antibiotics
1956 : video
tape recorder
1957 :
satellite; endoscope
1958 : video
games; microchip; modems
1959 : car
seat belts