Friday, April 1, 2022

Hawaii Artists -- Phil and Lunel Haysmer

Our new home in the small community of Volcano on the Big Island is surrounded by a beautiful ohia tree forest filled with nectar producing lehua blossoms loved by our native birds. Occasionally, while we are landscaping we come across an old root from a dead tree. Phil had found one two years ago and he has been waiting to see what it "wants to be." A few weeks ago this rather gnarly root "spoke" to him and it said -- "I AM KAMAPUA'A" -- and Phil took up the challenge to "find him" in there!  Here's the result. The stand is made from curly koa tree wood. 

Not shown here (but in many previous blogs) are many of Phil's hand carved and painted bas relief featuring many of Hawaii's flora and fauna as well as traditional navigational canoes. A large selection of these are featured prominently at the Michael Jayme Gallery Honaka'a -- a charming town north of Hilo.  (520 279 7462)