Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Hawaii Fall Colors

All our beds have names -- this is our "Pink Bed"
Phil grew up in Michigan and I grew up in Oregon, so we each remember a real season called Fall or Autumn, but in Hawaii our seasons are more subtle.

Tangerines loaded!
L-O-N-G green beans
That being said, we DO have some stunning COLORS around the property at this time of year.  The other day, Phil went around the yard taking pictures -- just take a look!

Emily Dickinson wrote of winter's slant of light, but a few years ago, I wrote my own version -- it was about how, for me, it is Fall's 'certain slant' that reminds us that winter is coming.

"Fall's returning certain slant whispers in scents dark, deep and damp...."
Heirloom Tomatoes

Close-up-Monarch Butterfly
and Bee Favorites
Close up of blossom/s

Jade Vine on Trellis  
A few years ago we planted one Jade Vine -- whose blossom colors were light blue and purple. When we found out that there was another similar vine with ORANGE flowers, we constructed a trellis using two dead ohia trees for it to climb on. The crab-claw shaped blossoms could not be more orange!

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Aye! The EARS have it!

When Corgi puppies are born, their ears are soft and floppy, but about week eight or so, the ear muscles begin to develop slowly as the ears began to go up. By week nine or ten, one or both ears will stand up. Here are three photos taken only three days apart that illustrate how quickly this change happens.

I'm working on my ear muscles!
Wheeee! My ears are UP!
See, I got one up today!
Not only are my ears up, but I am running through the green grass OUTSIDE, and playing with my "Unko Poko"(uncle), my mom Lani, and even my Tutu Reba, who is trying to be patient with me.

Not only am i very TALL I am also very L-O-N-G -- Mom measured me nose to tail at 26"