mornings, silence is counterpoint
the usual cacophony,
energy’s intention
the air gentles to reverence."
(From the poem "Hymn to Silence"
by Sherri Rose-Walker (c) 7-23-2010)
(From the poem "Hymn to Silence"
by Sherri Rose-Walker (c) 7-23-2010)
This is a line from a poem by a dear friend of many years. And this is the view from our dining room window. While we sipped our morning coffee, we were delighted with our recent purchase of a beautiful fan shaped Fiji Palm. Just watching the morning light creep across the land, we reflected on our own choice to participate in stillness and reverence. We cannot wait for peace or stillness to come, or for lava to stop flowing. We decided for a few moments to just shut up, listen to the silence, and look for the Light.