TUDOR - age 7 weeks |
It is probably true that some birthdays are more memorable than others, but this one was spectacular in ways even I, as a consummate organizer, could have never anticipated. As our blog readers will know, recently we got to be surrogate parents as our young corgi, "I'I Lani" had four adorable puppies. During the process, we decided that we really would like to keep one...but which one?
"Mom, I can help you with these boxes." |
As the puppies were fully weaned, we were able to see them safely transported on Sunday to the breeder so they could be adopted...all except for the one we chose to keep, "Tudor." He is named for Tasha Tudor who wrote and illustrated children's books featuring corgi dogs, (Corgyn) of which she had several. So, awakening on Monday (my birthday) I got up early, made coffee, and while the rest of the family (Phil and our other three corgyn) were still sleeping, I got to play with the new puppy...who had fun not only with his toys, but with the boxes and wrapping from my birthday.
of course it ain't this big...YET! |
My friend, fellow artist and weeding partner, Kate arrived around 8:30 along with our dependable yard guy. As a team of four, we managed to cut of a big limb from a dying ohia tree, weed a shady area called "The Terraces" (all of our landscaping beds have names,) and plant a bunch of anthuriums, hibiscus, and a new Jacaranda tree near the sculpture described in the previous blog.
After cleaning up, we were delighted by visits from friends and then off to Pahoa Village for a late lunch. Then another unexpected thing happened. A couple blogs ago, we showed a photo of what we envisioned for a structure to go on top of the lava outcropping near the front of the property. Well, a new neighbor had a large pile of wood left over from their project and offered it to us at a good price. The best part? It is already sanded and stained -- exactly the color of the photo in our previous blog! (Thurs, July 20th)
I got a lovely large solitaire peridot necklace from Phil, and lots of cards arrived in the mail -- some from people I've not heard from in some time. All in all, a fabulous birthday -- including homemade, tart lime bars from Penny who lives one block over, and a rousing party with the "Girlie Girls" who meet every Tuesday evening.