I am a color junkie. I suffer sensory overload in a fabric store and have been known to steal paint chips. I always thought I would like a job naming paint colors. Well, this week's colors are....
Pantone 585U, 381U, 386U, 345U... huh?
Don't you think they need appropriate NAMES!

Amazing bananas and avocados abound, and orchid cactus are blooming and even compliment the billowy fabric ceiling in the lanai.
A friend asked for help in painting a 9x12' fabric mural to hang up for Thanksgiving, and we also had fun painting tables and benches --- in some of the same colors.

Phil harvesting limes |
We had a relatively dry summer and were considerably under normal rainfall, but in the last three weeks have had some flashy storms and good long rains -- the garden is loving it. And, there's every shade of
GREEN imaginable n
Leilani Estates is a very quiet neighborhood, occasional dogs, lawn mower, or toot-toot of the UPS truck. I don't use music - just the birds. Working with the land I am able to just turn off my thoughts; it is so peaceful, rejuvenating and healing. Just this week I've planted trees, flowers, ground covers, dozens of colorful ti plants.
Politically, in contrast to this vibrancy, this year looks and feels like some kind of really awful, sickly unnameable color! Trying to read and understand current events in America and throughout the world has been difficult. It has been a challenge to not clinch up in anger, frustration or fear, and I have spent an extra number of hours beautifying nearly the whole acre. We are so THANKFUL for this blessed home; has become a sanctuary - a healing place for soul and spirit. This
'aina is truly a living land!
Wishing you and yours
a whole WEEK of giving thanks!