On our very first visit to Volcanoes National Park on the Big Island of Hawaii in 2011 we saw a beautiful bird called the Koa'e Kea who nests in the cliffs around Kilauea volcano.
Info - Koa'e Kea.

We also purchased art done by one of the most widely recognized Hawaii artists, Dietrick Varez best known for creating over 200 linoleum block prints. Here is one of his beautiful block prints of the white tailed Koa'e Kea -- Tropicbird.
INFO: D. Varez

Phil's wood shop is loaded with wood of all shapes and sizes. Sometimes a piece of wood will wait for a long time to reveal what it wants to be -- and Phil will patiently wait for that magic to happen. In this case, a special piece of koa spoke to him and he accepted the challenge. One piece of wood was split in half to create mirror-images of grain pattern for the wings. The base is also made of koa wood.
See more of Phil's art at: One Gallery Downtown Hilo Banyan Gallery- Banyan Drive Hilo and at http://www.onegalleryhawaii.com/pgphaysmer.html