Our team of builders began the work in early March, and except for some days of rain, the work has continued steadily, based on sketches Phil drew way back in February.
The windows go in next week and the roof materials have been ordered for delivery too. As our blog followers know, we each lost amazing art spaces when our home burned, and charming as our new cute pink house is -- there was no art space for either of us.
If all goes well, it looks like we might be able to move in for our 33rd Anniversary!!!

There is a beautiful proverb that describes this process, found in 'Olelo No'eau, Hawaiian Proverbs and Poetical Sayings by Mary Kawena Pukui.
O Keia 'u'uku e nui ana -- This smallness will be big later. Said of a small child who will grow into adulthood...a small space that may develop into a large one.