Saturday, August 11, 2012

20 Years of Calendars?

Hmmmmm.  For a few minutes I just sat there on the floor in the upstairs hall.  Hmmmmm seemed to be the only comment; was there an actual question?  There wasn't really any judgment, or cynical tsk tsk.  Nor was there any need to justify myself by a defensive remark to the effect that surely I was not the only person who saved over 20 years worth of calendars

Keeping meticulous calendars and obsessive attention to details have served me well.  I think these were like my Girl Scout merit badges -- totems and trophies of many challenges met and battles fought, and fun had, and work done. 

I can let them go.  Not so, however, with the tidy journals I began in my 20's, and which are numbered -- I think I am on #26.  There's "stuff" in there I need yet, if only to remind me of all the wonderful stories I want to write -- about the people who have been my teachers and friends along the way.  So many things to be thankful for.  One day I want to re-read them, knowing, I may feel of them the way I did about the calendars.  I reserve the right to wait and see. 

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