Saturday, September 27, 2014

Mountain of Wealth

20 yards of wealth
Here in PUNA on the Big Island of Hawaii, wealth is  measured in a variety of ways.  For native Hawaiians it is measured by their strong family relationships -- ohana.  Wealth is also measured by the relationship with the land and its gifts to us as we care for it -- aina.  Here, wealth is also measured by the rain water in our catchment basins and our garden produce.

In almost two years here, we have had numerous deliveries of soil and cinder to create rich beds for fruit trees, flowers and gardens.  And today, we received another load of rich dark cinder/soil.  The black crushed cinder is rich in nutrients.  As you may know, this land (particularly in PUNA) is so new sometimes there is less than 1/2 soil on top of lava, so building up beds, or breaking down through lava is the only way we can plant and grow.

POKO found the mountain of wealth too inviting  --- and who knows what might be on the other side!!

(Couple people inquired where we got it: Check out Sanfords website:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lunel and Phil,
    we live also in Leilani Estates and enjoying your posts. Would you be so kind and post from whom you bought your wonderful looking cinder/soil?
    Aloha & Mahalo Sakiya
