Sunday, August 28, 2016

Rack 'em Up!!

We are as ready as we can be, having had some experience how about some MUSIC??

MUSIC!!  Play "Rack 'em Up" while you read!

Madeline is expected tomorrow followed by Hurricane Lester
We aren't very far into hurricane season here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but it looks like we have some serious weather headed our way.

Looking at this NOAA image that was in the Star Advertiser, all I could think of was "rack 'em up." and of course a great song by Jonny Lang.  We have had pretty good luck so far because our "storm cruncher" volcanoes Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea do tend to disrupt the arms of the storms as they approach the Big Island.  But, as always, the east side of the island, where we live, is pretty much where they all swing in to upon arrival. And, for better or worse, we have had some practice! We'll just make a bowl of pop-corn, light the candles, put on some good music, and dive into our favorite books....

"Oh NO, Mr. Bill...not the blender!!" 

All we could think of with this photo was SNL's -- Mr. Bill
Just for fun, we have included another very interesting image -- an artists view of the island that shows the shape of the islands below the water. We recommend you visit regularly or subscribe to website!

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