Wednesday, April 19, 2017

This week -- Hawaiian GEOMETRY!

We had a couple projects this week that turned out well for "first-timers" on both counts. After moving to Pahoa on the Big Island, we planted bananas -- seems everyone does. We just had our first harvest! It took us a while to figure out why this particular banana is so much greener and bigger than the others -- but we finally realized it is because it is only a few feet from our compost bins! 

Here's a photo of Puna Harvester Phil and another that illustrates how bananas (like many many plants on the island) grow in a spiral! Spirals are prevalent throughout nature and artistically used in ethnic, religion and mythology around the world to represent the universal pattern of growth and evolution. The spiral represents eternity and continuity, rebirth, and the eternal

So THERE's our SPIRALS... and now on to our CIRCLES and SQUARES

Phil wasn't the only one having fun with geometry. Lunel (with the help of our two corgi girls (Reba and Lani) undertook to create a cover for our hot tub. It was an idea that arrived (as many do) at 3am, so despite some of the details being a little unclear, it was drawn out first. We bought a 6 x 8 foot length of bamboo fencing. After tracing the circle on it, each bamboo piece had to be cut by hand. There was fabric left from making our beautiful swag ceiling in the lanai, to hem and use to weave across the bamboo. Last, the rough edges were sanded, it was rolled out onto the round hot tub. are triangles next?

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