There's not really a "list" as such, at least not like the lists we lived with as business owners, or as people selling a house, planning for retirement, buying a house, selling a business, or planning a mega-move. We approach each day simply asking what needs to be done, and what we would like to do. There are always a few ongoing projects going on.
Variety of Bromeliads |
We have been collecting bromeliads, some from local growers, but many from our generous next door neighbor Sam. A few weeks ago he gifted us with a huge pile of various bromeliads and ti plants. These don't hold his attention like his passion for his unusual Nepenthes, however, If you want to see some really wild plants, visit his website:
One of Sam's true loves! |
Preparation for just the right spot for the bromeliads has been ongoing for several weeks as we have been working on an amazing steep hillside at the front of our property that was totally overgrown. Today, after many days of clearing out, cleaning, removing old roots and rearranging lava, Lunel began to plant the 15' hillside with bromeliads.
Of course building a new addition, means we are working with contractors who needs supplies, and since we are trying to keep costs down, we are doing a variety of projects.

Although we have had a clothes line up, strung between two trees, we built a more permanent one that is attached to the back side of the house (below the two smaller windows.) We are also house painting, but doing it the easy way! We are painting all the 4x8' siding pieces
before the contractor puts them up - how smart is that! Today, while Lunel was working on the bromeliad hill, Phil spent a few hours painting the long board that will be used at trim around the windows and edges of the addition. Here you can see the clerestory windows peaking up over the addition on the west end of the house.