Monday, May 27, 2013

F U N E X ??

FUNEX  (have you any eggs?)

50 years ago (or so) when we were kids, there were a lot of these abbreviated letter-sentences; who'da known then we were fortelling the advent of "texting!?!"

You will never believe where we actually found each one of these eggs -- on the ground just about where Phil is standing in our front yard!

There are birds nest w-a-y up in the ohia trees.  When the wind blows, it occasionally knocks an egg out and it falls to the ground.  The ground (in this specific area) is covered with moss that is several inches thick, so when the egg lands on the ground it bounces a couple times and remains intact!! (Several kinds of birds have blue eggs, and we don't know who the nest belongs to yet.)

Collected in a locally made koa bowl, they are a lovely reminder of both fragility and strength.

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