Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day!

Here's what's happening at the colorful Haysmer household on May Day. I just came in from the yard with a spray of orange rhododendron and purple flowers for the table where we still have a mini-memorial to our beloved Dexter.  Part of that assemblage are two bird nests we found -- one in our yard, and one on our morning walk.

We are happy that the Crown Flowers we planted last month are blossoming, just in time for the Monarch Butterflies that have been exploring our property.  Monarchs of Hawaii do not have the long trek we were familiar with when we lived in Northern California, but have naturalized here in the islands where their favorite flowering plant is the Crown Flower.  The butterflies feed on the nectar of the flowers, and lay their eggs on the leaves.  The newly hatched caterpillars feed on the leaves, spin their pupa and later emerge as new Monarchs.  Although they often munch all the leaves off, the plant comes back fully each year. 

The Crown Flowers (that come in both purple and white) were apparently a favorite of Queen Liliuokalani, so we have included a photo of her statue being adorned. 

Purple Crown Flowers
Much beloved as a ruler and song writer, Queen Liliuokalani was the last reigning monarch before the United States invasion and occupation of the Islands.  On January 14, 1893, a group composed of Americans and Europeans sought to overthrow the Hawaiian Kingdom, depose the Queen, and seek annexation to the United States.  Recommended reading:  Hawaii's Story by Hawaii's Queen.

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