Although they met earlier this year, their love was not consummated until this week....which means Corgi puppies for Thanksgiving. (Not what you are thinking....we will still have TURKEY!)
Puppies!!! Puppies!!!

Some mornings, before "dad" is up, the three "kids" and I head out to the back steps to enjoy the early morning sun and a cup of tea. The sun angle at this time of year is so magical as it moves across the yard.
Ao Pokole Poko (Short Cloud) is on the top step, Princess I'Ilani (Midget from Heaven) middle, and Reba-Bo-Beba (mom) on the lower.
The other day, Phil caught an image we think must be a garden sprite. (Although it has been enhanced some, it did indeed have a 'bubble-like' shape with rainbow colors.)
REMEMBER: You can 'click' on any photo for a better view.