Monday, January 30, 2017

"Tu Be or Not Tu Be"

New family: Dean & Mark
"To Be or Not To Be"...that was the question.

Our oldest corgi, "Reba" (also known as "B") became a grandma recently, when her daughter "I'I Lani" had her puppies.  "Reba" became "Tu-Tu-B" -- tu-tu being the commonly used name for grandma here in Hawaii.

But the answer to the question of keeping the puppy evolved into the Shakespearean quote -- "to be or not to be." And, much as we wanted to believe the answer was "yes" it seems there was another answer...and it wasn't just "no."

The "how" is less important than the choice we made to  just "let to" and trust. Yesterday we said our sad goodbyes to the puppy who has delighted us for eight weeks -- particularly in the aftermath of the election results.

We also decided what this sad world really needs is for everyone to just sit down on the grass and hold a puppy! We had no expectations from the new family on Oahu.  We said goodbye at 1:30 in the afternoon, and only eight hours later received these lovely photos from her new ohana. Looks like the puppy's got a pal already -- and her new family will keep us posted on her future adventures.

What the world needs now -- are PUPPIES and ALOHA!!

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