Sunday, July 29, 2018

On Off On Off On Off

We have long known that everything is "on loan" and that nothing is permanent, and just when you think you can count on something -- things shift and/or shit happens. The last three months have proven those axioms to be 100% true.

  • ON -First you THINK you have house insurance, including fire and OFF - find out you don't

  • ON - You THINK you've planned out your retirement pretty well, then - OFF - your house burns down.

  • ON - You THINK you have access to FEMA but find out - OFF -you don't --- because you have not received a denial from your insurance company which then takes 60 days and the cost of an attorney just to find out you are denied -- after 80 days of the loss of your home and 60 days after you filed with insurance

  • ON - you THINK you might be able to apply for SBA loan - OFF - but because your income level is low, you don't because you can't replay the loan.
  • ON - You THINK you can apply for Food Stamps -- and finally do, but OFF - it takes 2 months to process because you "have insurance" but have not received a denial.
  • ON - YOU finally find out that FEMA has offered you grant money OFF -  but you then get a DENIAL for any assistance with housing. 
  • Then, a week later, ON (again) you do have rental assistance but OFF -  finding a small partially furnished rental is nearly impossible because no one wants three adorable corgi dogs
  • ON - We have been so lucky to find a temporary place for three months with gracious folks and,  OFF -- it is really time to take the "next step."
  • ON - You THINK you've lined up back-up and then find out NOPE, OFF -  that just fell through too.
We expect that life offers a lot of "not knows" -- but it has been unnecessary compounded by waiting over 60 days to even receive an answer from our (supposedly biggest and best) insurance company in the world -- who somehow manages to insure rocket ships, football players, space stations and Kim Cardiashian's butt.

If this ain't a lesson for a couple of Punatics who are used to going with the flow -- don't know what is. We will adjust, adapt and press on looking for the next "diamond" opportunity; that's what we do. And, we are not alone in this predicament -- there are others -- many others. If you happen to know if a rental (partially furnished would help) with a fenced yard for really outstanding corgi dogs, and a shop for Phil to earn some money from his wood art (selling at One Gallery in Hilo) please give us full contact information. (We cannot reply to "comments" leave email or phone)  MAHALO

Monday, July 23, 2018

Generosity of Friends and Strangers

Memorial Day Altar to Them (and crystal mala)
Ever since we have been together now, some 32 years, we have always found a special place for our altar -- a treasure of objects, photos and gifts that we use to remind us of our own spiritual path and philosophical truths. And, with the sudden outbreak of the fire that destroyed our home and urgent evacuation, all of these tokens and reminders were left behind. 

Rather than naming all of the objects, here are some of the photos we have taken, some seasonal, and others, like the "Memorial Day" altar, a remembrance of friends and teachers who have guided our journey. Of particular importance, however was the figures of Ganesh, and Tsonghakpa, the hand carved walrus tusk pipe, and quartz crystal mala
that I used to recite my Sanskrit japa for meditation.
Winter Altar filed with white objects (and mala)
Over the past weeks, I have often thought about replacing some things, but it never felt right to just go out and buy them, so I have waited, and gradually items have come one by one. First a Ganesh,  then a Minoan snake goddess, a "diamond" faceted crystal, another Ganesh, rose pedals, hand carved moon, dark quartz crystal, and yet, another Ganesh. But the one thing I seemed to miss most was the crystal mala that fit perfectly on my wrist. I also knew this was something I could not simply buy.

Today, while buying dinner in Foodland for our host family, I noticed that the woman in line in front of us was wearing a mala just like the one that was lost. I tentatively reached out and touched her arm lightly and asked her where she got her crystal mala.

Gifts of Ganesh -- and my new crystal mala
What followed next was nearly unbelievable. I explained I was hoping to replace my mala and she volunteered she was visiting from Maui where she not only made malas, but had a practice similar to mine! She began to ask for my contact so she could send me one, but then hesitated and asked me to wait a moment as she finished her transaction.

We stepped aside and she began to speak Sanskrit words that were immediately recognizable. As she began to unwrap her mala she gently took my hand so she could wrap it around my wrist. With each turn she offered a Sanskrit verse.

With tears flowing down my face I tried to thank her -- but she insisted that she thank ME for the opportunity to make this offering (ho'okupu) to me. And, now, I can't even remember her name -- and also know that it doesn't really matter. Mahalo Nui Loa!

Friday, July 13, 2018

Ka ‘Aina Keahialaka

When we began this intimate dance of creation,
You hid, shyly behind a verdant veil
Of forest, fern and vine.

I felt your presence, your breath on my skin,
Your heart beat in my bones
As you wooed me with low tones and tender sighs.

I was seduced and fell hopelessly in love.
I nuzzled into your embrace, and
In the joy of creation
We imagined an exquisitely woven tapestry
Rich in color and texture.

I brushed back long tresses,
Sculpted carefully around roots,
Cleaned debris from your body,
Brushed dust from your face.
And as you hummed softly,
I felt nurtured, warm in the sun.
This amazing fountain of lava is flowing from
 what was  our front yard! (I guess technically 
GPS it still IS our front yard.)

We labored together
Birthing crescent shapes in
Multi-dimensional schematics,
Molded always by sun, rain and time.

Slowly you slipped off your
Layers of heavy coats
Revealing graceful limbs laden with orchids,
Releasing fragrant blooms
Falling soft on pale damp mosses.

I adorned you lavishly; You anointed my skin,
We danced our own rhythm into Beingness
And a splendid radiance, carried on sea breezes
Washed over Everything.

All as if in ritual preparation
To honor your re-awakening
Oh Destroyer and Creatrix!
Pu’uwai  'O Tutu Pele.
And so, we burn, again,
Somewhat befuddled, again,
And we bow, again
In awe.

Lunel Haysmer
© July 6, 2018

(Hoping my use of Hawaiian language
is not disrespectful or inappropriate.)

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Disturbing Incident

(revision of post) Well, dear readers, as if losing our retirement home is not bad enough, we have discovered that photos of our property are being used in a variety of ways. While some may be innocent, generally demonstrating the on-going catastrophe, some are being used on Go-Fund-Me accounts to get money even while their houses are still standing.

We DO understand that nearly everyone in our beautiful subdivision is suffering those whose homes are gone as well as those who have had to evacuate and their lovely homes that are still standing. As we said, some uses of this photo are not done with deliberate intention to defraud.

However, for us, personally, it is very disturbing to find photos of what was our house being used in this way. The photo was taken from our neighbor's driveway across the street on LUANA street -- adjacent to Fissure #8. That is our front driveway, our gate, our palms -- our complete loss; I was in a coma in ICU at the hospital at the time of the emergency evacuation and Phil had less than an hour to so our loss is total -- except for computer and dogs.

On the one hand is this unbelievable loss and on the other hand, the generosity of both friends and strangers. We are deeply appreciated the donations we have received on a Go-Fund-Me account that was set up FOR us by friends in Humboldt County (where we lived for 22 years). We also are grateful for the beautiful family in Kea'au who have taken us and our three corgi dogs in until we can find our way to a new life in an uncertain future.

We have been treated only with compassion and kindness by the Red Cross, FEMA volunteers, and SBA as well as other neighbors. We wish only the best outcome for everyone during this distressing time. We only ask that people be honest about their losses and their OWN situation. 

Another WISH for us is that we have  been waiting for over six weeks now to hear about our insurance coverage, and it is only contributing to our anxiety and depression not to KNOW about our coverage. We are going to write letters to the governor, states representatives, and congress people as well as our local district supervisors -- anyone who can apply pressure to help us get some answers.

In the meantime, Peace, Phil and Lunel

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"Fire Works"

Well, tonight, instead of looking at the glow of Leilani Estate's Fissure #8 in Puna, taking up a quarter of the sky even from 15 miles a way, we watched a few local groups from upstairs at our hanai home. However, if you want to really see some explosive wonder -- you must watch this amazing U-tube video, sent to me by a sister artist: Explosive Genius - Cai Gui-Qiang

Monday, July 2, 2018

Dirty Thunderstorms and VOG

This is the color of the air we are breathing today!
Adding insult to injury! As if a volcanic eruption destroying your home and neighborhood, leaving people homeless, isn't enough, now we are experiencing more new phenomena -- at least for the Puna District on the Big Island of Hawaii.

VOG  -- Vog is a hazy mixture of sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) and particles (PM2.5) originating from Kīlauea Volcano. Sensitivity to vog varies, so individuals need to protect themselves as necessary. People with pre-existing medical conditions are expected to be at highest risk for health effects, depending on the amount of emissions, distance away from the vent, and wind direction from day to day.  Learn more about protecting yourself here:  Click to learn about VOG

Example of what it looks like (not local) but what we been experiencing this morning (photo obviously was taken at night)

DIRTY THUNDERSTORMS --Some sources are referring to today's weather as Dirty Thunderstorms. I read that Dirty thunderstorms earn their name from the ash, rock fragments, and other ejecta which collide during a volcanic eruption and generate static electricity within the plume. or that it can be caused by ash and ice particles colliding with volcano plume, creating static charges. Interestingly, the lightening isn't coming from the sky, but instead, generated in the ash cloud coming from the fissure 8. The process is called Charge Separation.

TODAY:  This is a Civil Defense message for Monday, July 2, 2018 at 1:00 in the afternoon. State of Hawaii Department of Health reports Elevated Gas Levels due to the ongoing eruptions and current weather in the lower East Rift and Pahoa area.  The National Weather Service forecast that light winds are causing Sulphur dioxide to fill in the area.  Northeast tradewinds will build in later today and push winds to the southwest through the rest of the week and improve air quality.

New HVO Video explains some unique weather patterns : New July 2 HVO Video