Tuesday, March 17, 2020


Island boy with bananas
Big red flower and
baby banana blossom
One of the many things we enjoyed in our previous Big Island home in Leilani Estates (BL before lava) was growing our own fruits and vegies. We had solar, constant water supply, big freezer and a 2-month supply of food.  While not off-grid, we felt very pleased with accomplishing our original goal.

That was 2012-18, and a photo of "Banana Boy" with a fresh harvest.

Finding our new home in Ohia Estates in Volcano, we were delighted the previous owners also had bananas, and we've harvested three bunches in just the last year. The photos on this page were taken last week as we watched the blossom open, flower-lets open and teeny tiny bananas begin to form.

Like many things on the island, they grow in spirals, and the photos here show the original blood-red blossom. As the blossom opens (in a spiral fashion) small white flowers come on with tiny baby bananas that look almost like bean sprouts. If you have enough bananas to spare, the tender 'sprouts' can be used in a tasty salad.

You can even see the "spiral" as they ripen
As the  red blossom leaves spiral open, more "hands" of bananas are revealed. It's convenient that they ripen as they grow -- in a spiral, so you always have some green and yellow like the bunch on our kitchen counter.

I'm sorry not to have been more frequent with posts but I've been extremely excited about a group of interesting collages.  PROMISE: I'll soon post a few of themas well as some new art from PHIL.  Take Care! LUNEL

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