Thursday, July 16, 2020

Haysmer Hale Le'a Update

Besides the knees there IS actually other news. The garden Lunel worked on so lovingly in early spring is responding well to our comfortable summer 70-75 degrees. Although we loved our former home in Leilani Estates before the 2018 lava flow, it was too hot much of the days in summer time. So much has changed -- not only our home, the weather, there's Covid19 to contend with. The state of Hawaii now has over 300 cases -- and before you think that is small potatoes, our count is up 50% like many other states.

Lunel in the dog-yard. Dogs from left: Tuxedo Tudor, Uncle Poko, mommy Lani

But now, onto the KNEES!  Today marks one-month anniversary of Lunel's bilateral knee replacements. An interesting point is that although the total knee joint was replaced, she still has her original knee caps! Anyway, stitches are out, bandages are off and today she went down the stairs (with Phil spotting her carefully) to meander out to the close-by dog yard. We have an physical therapy office here in Volcano where she will begin a professionally guided recovery program.

Although we are at home 95% of the time, we are friends with many of our nearby neighbors and enjoy safe conversations along the driveways or from the front porches. We are so happy not only with our sweet "Hale Le'a" -- house of gladness, we are equally happy to have a real neighborhood of friends here in Ohia Estates, as well as old pals from the old neighborhood.



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