Friday, May 21, 2021

2021 Merrie Monarch - Big Island of Hawaii

The 57th  Merrie Monarch Festival

Volcano's own Halau will be presenting this year1
The Merrie Monarch Festival is dedicated to the memory of King David La‘amea Kalākaua, known as the “Merrie Monarch” for his flamboyant and fun-loving ways. Kalākaua was elected king of the Hawaiian Nation in 1874, and reigned until his passing in 1891. He was a patron of the arts, especially music and dance. (Shared from

The central purpose of the Festival is perpetuating the traditional culture of the Hawaiian people; Developing and augmenting a living knowledge of Hawaiian arts and crafts through workshops, demonstrations, exhibitions and performances of the highest quality and authenticity; and enriching the future lives of all of Hawaiʻi’s children.

Our local Volcano Halau (school) is associated with the winds (makani) of Mauna Loa, we include the following LINK to see them perform:  Volcano Halau and a few photos of Mauna Loa.

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