Monday, June 27, 2022

Rural Hawaii Water Maintenance

If you live rurally in Hawaii the task of water maintenance is an important element as all of our water is collected rain water. The water here is acidic which explains why we don't have metal pipes, but use PVC for all plumbing. Keeping the Ph and Alkalinity in balance both in the 10,000 gallon catchment tank (of collected rain water) and the hot tub is a regular maintenance routine that includes testing and adjustments and switching out the filters and UV light. 

Phil's back surgeries prevent him from crawling into the access space for this task, but he's there to remind me to unplug the power, close the two shut off intake valves, and push the red pressure release buttons so I can unscrew the receptacles to replace the filters in each one. Fortunately I still have enough arm strength that, together, we can get it least for a few more years hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading your newsletter an looking at all the photos. I remember many things about your art and your life in Santa Cruz, CA - where I still liive. Happy New Year 2023 to you! Linda
