Monday, March 31, 2014

Bok Choy Boy Busted!

As you might guess, growing some vegetables in a rain forest can be a challenge; it is definitely NOT like growing things on the main land.  We are learning about gardening in Puna, where our average yearly rainfall is 120-140 inches per year

We have numerous books and are experimenting with what we can grow out in the sun/rain, and inside in our shade house.  Recently we discovered that some of our bok choy had been chomped off at the stems!  There are bugs and slugs that will do this overnight.

Imagine our surprise, however, when we found out that Dexter Dinkums Wigglesworth III was the culprit!  As many of our friends (and ohana guests) have discovered, Dexter is an omnivore.  He enjoys tidbits of papaya and banana even, pieces of apple as well as ends of the green beans, carrots, and especially the bottom white stem part of leafy greens.

Bok Choy Boy BUSTED!
What we didn't realize is that Dexter can sneak in under the flap of the shade house and have a little afternoon snack.  BUSTED!

(Guess you could say that short stubby dogs like short stubby vegetables.)

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