Saturday, March 28, 2015

Farewell Friend

Making a lei for each of us -- lots of help.
"Blue, blue windows behind the stars
Yellow moon on the rise
Big birds flying across the sky
Throwing shadows on our eyes
Leave us  -- Helpless, helpless, helpless, helpless"
Dexter's Heiau

Anyone who has had a pet knows how hard the farewell is.  Yesterday, as we said our goodbyes to Dexter, he was in no pain and could hear our voices.  Dad found an beautiful deep, naturally formed "puka," for his burial, and Reba and Poko blessed his favorite blanket/shroud that is covered with spirit animals for his journey.

Early today, we built the heiau for him, and made four leis -- one for each member of our family.  His shrine is decorated with a big bone, his water dish, one of his favorite toys (Pink Squiddy) bells, and Ganesh prayer flags.

Finally, we celebrated his life with a wake  -- "Lightning in a Bottle"  -- a fabulous two-hours blues special from Radio City Music Hall with Buddy Guy, BB King, Bonnie Raitt, Jimmy Hendrix et al...and we danced, and sang and cried.  And, we discovered that "Poko" likes to dance too!  Yeah for us!

(Lovely corgi card art by Evie Anderson) 

1 comment:

  1. Extremely impressed with the Guava pickets! And your Corgis! How may I contact you please? Thank you and Aloha. Dana
