Sometimes after discovering new authors and delightful new
books, I wonder just where I have been that I didn’t know about them
before. But, like most everything else
in our lives, things come to us when they are right for the moment. And then, when you share them and excitedly
tell others about them, you find some responses are “Oh yes!! And, do you know about…..” Always such a good trade among friends!
So January and February brought me to:
Robertson Davies -- where I began with What’s Bred in the Bone (because for most of my life I have
been drawn to the art and mystery of bones.)
It was a great read, and highly recommended, how-EVER… I found The Lyre of Orpheus to be very
compelling – particularly for an artist who is interested in process. And, you can BEGIN with Lyre because
it is a stand-alone book. It is full of
art and artists of all types and covers generations of art, art process and
secrets – not to mention a love story!
Ann Patchett – is an author Phil has been reading, and my
introduction to her was through The
Magician’s Assistant which is another love story – featuring many kinds
of love, acceptance and forgiveness. I
found I simply could not stop reading.
Kirsten Miller – has written a series of stories, and I
found Kiki Strike
(fortunately) misfiled under adult fiction when I understand it is commonly
filed under stories for teens. What a
delightful romp under the enormous underground city of New York!! I found it the perfect antidote to the current,
grim news, and it gave me a chance just to catch my breath, and smile.
Sara Gruen’s – Water
for Elephants was made into a movie, which I had never seen. If you think it is just a story about the
circle, guess again. If you have ever
wanted to run away to join a circus (or simply run away) this story is for
you. It has romance, history and an
honest look at what it is like to grow old – to remember, to mis-remember, to
forget and to rediscover.
Elizabeth McGregor’s Girl in the Green Glass Mirror
is “a haunting love story about two lost souls brought together by chance—and
bonded forever by a mystery that transcends madness, tragedy, and time
itself.” Like Lyre… it is about art, art process, history – and the “mystery”
part unfolds like an exotic flower. If you get it at the library – you will
find you have to return it and go out and BUY one to keep and share!